

2019 documentary film- Eleven Years 
2019 social impact project- Strategy Coordination for the National Prize for Youth Talent awarded by the Colombian Presidency
2019 curatorial project- Marcial Alegría, Guillermo Vega, César Villa
2018 social impact project- Cimarron National Guard
2018 book editor- Obituarios Negros
2018 documentary film- Nos están matando
2017 music album- Magín Díaz, el Orisha de la Rosa
2016 music preservation project- Latin Grammy Foundation Award

Award winner, research and project director


In 2016, I was awarded the Preservation Grant by the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation to research and preserve the unpublished works, songs and verses of traditional Colombian Caribbean music. This research and preservation project encompasses the music styles of son de negro, bullerengue, sexteto and chalupe – all music that is descendent from the African diaspora – with the aim of nurturing Latin music literacy for future generations.

You can hear it here:
