

2019 documentary film- Eleven Years 
2019 social impact project- Strategy Coordination for the National Prize for Youth Talent awarded by the Colombian Presidency
2019 curatorial project- Marcial Alegría, Guillermo Vega, César Villa
2018 social impact project- Cimarron National Guard
2018 book editor- Obituarios Negros
2018 documentary film- Nos están matando
2017 music album- Magín Díaz, el Orisha de la Rosa
2016 music preservation project- Latin Grammy Foundation Award

Researcher, and Meeting Organizer


In June 2017, the Cimarron Guard –  ancestral, unarmed AfroColombian community guards – convened in the department of Cauca to exchange knowledge and skills in the protection of their territories. The meeting brought together the Cimarron Guard from the Pacific Coast and the Cimarron Guard from the Caribbean coast for the first time, to begin a process of being recognised by the Colombian State. 

I secured financial support, prepared the logistics of the meeting, and invited two key actors in the Colombian conflict – the Ministry of Interior and the demobilized FARC rebel group – to listen to the Cimarron Guard’s demands and concerns.  

This initial meeting began a process of establishing a Cimarron Guard within each AfroColombian community across the country. The unarmed Cimarron Guards protect their communities and their tradition without police or militar intervention. 
